Archive for August, 2010

Patches available for X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, Sacred: Gold and Jets’n'Guns

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Today we have released patches for X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat,  Sacred: Gold and Jets’n'Guns, to address issues with sound, and issues with some Linux kernel changes. These patches also fix the problem mentioned in the last customer service update. Use the lgp_update tool to update your games. Other games will be receiving patches as they become available.

Updated 26th of August: Patch for Jets’n'Guns released

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Upcoming community event

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Right, so, obviously this is long overdue, and I take the blame for that, been too easily distracted. But now it’s time. giveaways was obviously the most popular choice at 65% of the votes, so that’s what we’re going to do. For those of you that don’t already follow us, now would be a great time to do so. We’re LGP on and L_G_P on twitter. We’re going to be running a retweet giveaway this following Monday, the 23rd, ending on Wednesday the 25th at around 18:00 CET. We will draw one random winner that will be given a free copy of a downloadable LGP game of his or her choice (our current downloadable titles are: X²: The Threat, X³: Reunion, Sacred: Gold, Jets’N'Guns, Ballistics, Majesty: GoldShadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds: Survivor).

If you have any input, suggestions or questions for me, feel free to ask them here in the comments, on IRC (Zero_Dogg in #lgp on, via or via e-mail (to eskild at the domain linuxgamepublishing dot com).

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Customer Services Update for August 2010

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Welcome to a issue 3 of the LGP customer services report for the LGP Blog.

Update: Patches are now available for X² and X³, the workarounds for these games are no longer needed. Ballistics might still need it.

Ballistics, X2 & X3: Problems starting on Ubuntu 10.04

Several users have contacted us concerning problems starting Ballistics, X²: The Threat and X³: Reunion.The problem is due to Ubuntu changing their system for managing paths and the games not handling it like they are suppose to. A patch will be released soon which addresses this problem, meanwhile you can use the following workarounds to play the games. Instead of just using the “ballistics”, “x2″ or “x3″ commands, use one of these to launch the game instead:


ballistics --withgl $(\tail -n 1 /etc/

X²: The Threat:

x2 --withgl $(\tail -n 1 /etc/

X³: Reunion:

x3 --withgl $(\tail -n 1 /etc/

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