We have been hard at work on our unannounced ports the last couple of months, and I know some of you get rather impatient waiting for news. So, to help pass the time we’d like to see if there are any particular community events that you’d like to see. If you have other good ideas, feel free to suggest them in a comment. Please vote only for events that you’d be likely to attend, you may select up to three.
Which community events would you attend?
- More identi.ca/twitter giveaways (65.0%, 43 Votes)
- LGP trivia contest on IRC (26.0%, 17 Votes)
- LGP trivia contest on identi.ca/twitter that is spread out over a week (23.0%, 15 Votes)
- Play Majesty on PenguinPlay with LGP staff (18.0%, 12 Votes)
- Play Ballistics on PenguinPlay with LGP staff (15.0%, 10 Votes)
- Play Knights & Merchants on PenguinPlay with LGP staff (9.0%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 66

If you have any input, suggestions or questions for me, feel free to ask them here in the comments, on IRC (Zero_Dogg in #lgp on irc.freenode.net), via identi.ca/twitter or via e-mail (to eskild at the domain linuxgamepublishing dot com).